The Compass archive located at Compass Verlag GmbH in Schönbrunner Str. 231, 1120 Vienna, forms the basis of the ZEDHIA online archive.
It holds all the Compass Verlag publications from 1868 through 2003, measuring 55 linear metres and comprising more than 1.1 million pages in more than 745 volumes.
These printed works - the various editions of the Compass and the Central Journal for Registrations in the Commercial Register (later known as: Companies Register), together with the "Official Supplier Register" has been providing important company and business information to the Austrian public for more than 135 years. The Compass Archive thus is today the probably largest and most comprehensive source of information on Austria's businesses and economy. In addition, the archive holds historical information resources significant for business, the economy and society in the German speaking part of Europe and the successor states of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
As all Compass Verlag publications are available online through ZEDHIA, the original documents are, for purposes of protection and preservation, available for scientific research only in justified exceptional cases.
We are with pleasure available for further queries:
Christian Benesch
E-Mail: christian.benesch@compass.at
Tel.: +43.1.981 16 – 127