In memory of Mr Werner Kohl

Werner Kohl provided significant support to the ZEDHIA project, with great personal commitment for some time.

Werner Kohl provided significant support to the ZEDHIA project, with great personal commitment for some time. A skilled chemical technician and chemicals dealer, he authored various specialist publications on industrial history in general and on the chemical industry in particular. Particular mention should go to his editing and authorship of “Die Österreichische Zuckerindustrie und ihre Geschichte(n) 1750-2013” (Böhlau publishing house), along with other publications. 

His role as a communicator and bridge builder was equally important; he was able to inspire and bring together very different people for historical research projects.
Mr Kohl was a “Power User”, who regularly used ZEDHIA for his many research projects. We were always grateful to receive his rich and well-considered feedback as a beta tester. Mr Kohl also wrote for the ZEDHIA blog, and was personally very impressive due to his extensive knowledge and understanding of scientific history.

Mr Werner Kohl passed away entirely unexpectedly at the age of 70 on 29.01.2015.

We will miss him very much, as will so many others, and he leaves behind a great void in industrial history research. 

The ZEDHIA Project Team