6th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board of ZEDHIA met for the sixth time in the rooms of the Compass publishing house in order to discuss the further development of the project, current focuses of work and GenSoup, a partner project of ZEDHIA.

Michael Eisenriegler, Bakk. phil., CEO GenSoup

The Scientific Advisory Board of ZEDHIA met for the sixth time in the rooms of the Compass publishing house in order to discuss the further development of the project, current focuses of work and GenSoup, a partner project of ZEDHIA. 
Mr Eisenriegler presents GenSoup, a genealogy platform for the central European area, whereby central Europe is understood as a cultural space within which there are many migratory flows and overlapping identities. 

It makes it possible to research your own family history on a cooperative basis, using various options for sharing information on the platform, together with other family researchers.

In this Advisory Board meeting, the demo version of the new ZEDHIA portal user interface was shown for the first time and ideas for improvement were discussed.  

Mr Mag. Bojankin presented his most recent research findings on the biography of Ernst Kirchweger (1898-1965), who was employed in the Compass publishing house from 1937 until he entered retirement in 1963; the 50th anniversary of his death was on 2nd April this year. 

Some of the most recent facts on the “Fall Kirchweger” have also been published in a current brochure from the KPÖ: “Der Tote ist auch selber schuld” (The Dead is also to Blame), published by the Austrian Communist Party on the 50th anniversary of the killing of Ernst Kirchweger. With contributions from Walter Baier, Michael Graber, Manfred Mugrauer and Siegfried Sanwald. Vienna: Globus Publishing House, 2015.